This is a 5 Part Series on the Phases of Training and how jumping into the latest, greatest fitness trend can be counterproductive and potentially dangerous.

Part 2 – Long Term Plan (Macrocycle)
Getting “fit” fast may seem exciting but often it is not maintainable and potentially dangerous. Start from the ground up with your goals, understanding that your goal (skill, body part etc.) is not independent of the rest of your body systems. In fact, they are all intertwined, work together and must be coordinated in order to achieve the best results. Patience is the key.
This is where creating a purposeful training plan and peak over a 12-month period can help you reach goals and maintain them.
Athletes do this (plan 1 year or more) with what's called a macrocycle (pre-season, a skill development/conditioning phase, a strength/power build, and a final push that includes the competition season). It’s how they get stronger, leaner, or prep for a big race or event. Exercisers can take a page from their playbook and benefit as well.

Functional Movement and Resistance Training
· Phase 1 – Stability
· Phase 2 – Movement
· Phase 3 – Load
· Phase 4 - Performance
Summary - You can’t increase your load or perform at a high level if you aren’t stable or can’t perform the fundamental movements necessary to function. Burpees are great but you can’t expect to do effective ones if you don’t know how to squat properly or do push pushups. A good program will include direction and/or instruction on functional movements and their importance. Always consult a professional to consider to your personal situation.
Cardiorespiratory Training
· Phase 1 – Aerobic Base
· Phase 2 – Aerobic Efficiency
· Phase 3 – Anaerobic Endurance
· Phase 4 – Anaerobic Power
Summary – You won’t improve your endurance or progress beyond if you haven’t established your base/start and worked on improving gradually to the point where you are efficient with your activity. Walking can lead to power walking which can lead to jogging and ultimately racing. Using the stairmaster can help with climbing stairs every day and on travel. Improving your “second wind” is the goal when it comes to cardiorespiratory training. A good program will include direction and/or instruction on starting from an aerobic base and working from there. Always consult a professional to consider to your personal situation.

For best results I strongly consider working with a certified trainer/instructor or coach to personalize your approach. Whether it is live or virtual, look for programs that consider a structured longer termed approach and that can be modified to suit your personal situation (ie. allergies, limiting conditions etc.); especially if you have a history of relapse or less than perfect adherence.
Meaning EVERYONE can benefit from planning their fitness long term because NO ONE has perfect adherence to exercise and nutrition programs! It’s not reasonable, feasible or downright fun to be regimented 365/24/7 but with the flexibility of a long-term plan where you actually can plan for relapses – can you say, Wedding Season? LOL – you can absolutely reach your fitness goals and be healthy as a lifestyle.
Sample Macrocycle for Weight Loss
January – March
Functional Movement and Resistance Training
· Phase 1 – Stability
Cardiorespiratory Training
· Phase 1 – Aerobic Base
April – June
Functional Movement and Resistance Training
· Phase 2 – Movement
Cardiorespiratory Training
· Phase 2 – Aerobic Efficiency
July – September
Functional Movement and Resistance Training
· Phase 3 – Load
Cardiorespiratory Training
· Phase 3 – Anaerobic Endurance
October – December
Functional Movement and Resistance Training
· Phase 4 - Performance
Cardiorespiratory Training
· Phase 4 – Anaerobic Power
Interested in a fitness/wellness consultation or have some questions about nutrition and your current fitness program? Join any of my groups online (Facebook) and/or pick up my book, How to be Fit for Life - Eight Proven Steps to Reaching Your Fitness Goals, Getting Results, and Living the Fitness Life for more help with your fitness journey. And please feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have:).