Name – Rhonda Boyd
Location – Fredericton, NB
Family Fun Notes - 1 of 5 kids, I have 1 granddaughter – I know…I don’t look old enough to be a Gammy (that’s what my granddaughter calls me ha ha)
Occupation/Businesses – GoodLife Fitness Group Fitness Instructor for 18 years, LMI Canada Assessor and Full time Corporate Paralegal/Legal Assistant for 31 years
Accomplishments - 1 accomplishment is being recognized for my passion for active living and instructing with Goodlife Fitness.
1. Who is your biggest influence? (Barring family)
My biggest influence is Kim Lavender (VP, Team Training at GoodLife Fitness) because she is the embodiment of strength, courage, confidence and caring and she walks the talk per se.
2. What do you think is the single biggest issue currently facing women/ feminism?
I feel that the biggest issue is inequality for salary in that men still get paid more than women.
3. Since you’ve worked in different industries in different positions throughout the years, do you remember any personal incident where you were made to feel inferior/superior solely for being a woman?
4. In your opinion, why are traits such as “innocent”, “sensitive”, “nurturing” etc. associated with women as compared to more aggressive, competitive terms for men. How can we best promote a more accepting, gender neutral society?
In my opinion the traits stated above are associated with women because it’s the emotional side of women and the majority of the population associate emotional feelings as female traits. We can best promote a more accepting, gender neutral society by educating the population to be more accepting and to stand up for those who are treated in a negative manner and not accepted for who they are.
5. How do you feel about how women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
I feel that women are getting more and more positive representation than previously in the past because they are speaking up, being recognized for their hard work, becoming stronger, setting boundaries and supporting each other ie. Me too Movement. Yes, I can see myself in any of them because I’m an advocate for being recognized for hard work, I have become stronger because of adversity in my life and I now set boundaries and I support others.
6. How do you feel about campaigns like Nike declaring 2019 The Year of the Woman?
I feel that Nike is leading the way for advertising campaigns and it’s about time!
7. What main change would you like to see for young girls in the next generation? Or even young boys (to understand about feminism) for that matter.
I would like to see that positivity & empowerment be taught in the elementary/high school levels so females/males are taught at an early age and have a better understanding and be more accepting.
8. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would that be?
I be authentic and live in the moment with a positive, kind caring, and giving attitude and don’t settle for being treated any less than who I am.
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